


EthicsPoint is a comprehensive and confidential reporting tool created by NAVEX Global to assist man年龄ment and employees in working together to address fraud, 滥用, 以及工作场所的其他不当行为, 同时营造积极的工作环境.


威尼斯人平台 is committed to promoting a culture of ethical conduct and adherence to law and policy, 并为员工提供了多种渠道, 教师和大学社区的其他成员报告或讨论问题. 我们建议您直接向主管或人力资源部报告您的担忧, 我们理解在某些情况下您可能希望保持匿名. The EthicsPoint tool enables you to communicate issues and concerns associated with unethical or illegal 活动 while maintaining your anonymity and confidentiality.



ethicpoint应该在某些情况下使用, events or actions by individuals or groups that you believe carry a negative impact on the University's reputation and financial well-being or are detrimental to productivity or personal safety.


ethicpoint不是911或紧急服务. Do not use EthicsPoint to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property or another emergency. 通过ethicpoint提交的报告可能不会立即收到回复. 如果您需要紧急援助,请拨打911.

为什么我要报告我所知道的? 这对我有什么好处?

We all have the right to work and go to school in a positive environment and with that right comes the responsibility of acting in an ethical manner and letting the appropriate people know if someone is not acting appropriately. 通过共同努力,我们可以保持一个健康和富有成效的环境.


当然有. 事实上,我们需要你来报到. 你知道我们大学里发生了什么——有好有坏. 您可能对可能引起关注的活动有初步的了解. 你的报告可以尽量减少对大学和社区的潜在负面影响. 也, offering positive input may help identify issues that can improve and promote a positive work and school environment.



ethicpoint一年365天,每天24小时提供服务. 您可以通过电话或互联网提交机密的匿名报告.

如果您拨打热线电话866-384-4277, a specially trained EthicsPoint phone representative will walk you through the reporting process by identifying the broader compliance categories and specific issues within each category that you may report. 类似的, the online reporting system interface provides a series of questions to assist you in accurately identifying the category and issue you want to report.

无论你是通过电话还是在线提交报告, 您将被要求尽可能详细地描述可疑的遵从性问题, 包括事件发生的时间和地点以及涉案人员.

完成报告后,您将收到一个唯一的报告密钥并创建自己的密码. This information enables you to return to the EthicsPoint system—either by Internet or by phone—to access your report.


威尼斯人平台 ensures that reports submitted via EthicsPoint will be handled promptly and discretely. No retaliatory action will be taken against anyone for reporting or inquiring in good faith about potential breaches of the University's policies or seeking guidance on how to handle suspected breaches. Reports submitted through EthicsPoint will be given careful attention by the University and is designed to maintain your confidentiality and anonymity at every step in the process.


通过使用您的报告密钥和密码, you can access your report in EthicsPoint throughout the investigation process—from initial review through resolution and closure. 定期检查系统的更新是很重要的. The University may reach out to you through EthicsPoint to ask questions or request further information to aid their investigation.


Please note that the results of our investigations are confidential in order to protect reporters and other individuals providing information to the investigation. 然而, 如果在报告结束后,您继续观察到不当行为, 我们鼓励你再提交一份报告.

报告:安全 & 保密


No. 你不必透露你的身份使用ethicpoint. 然而, our ability to investigate and address concerns might be limited for certain types of reports if you do not want your identity known.


No. 电话不会被追踪或记录. ethicpoint不生成或维护任何与IP地址相关的内部连接日志, 因此,没有将您的计算机连接到ethicpoint的信息可用. 您可以从任何互联网门户网站(工作)提交您的报告, 首页, 或公用电脑), ethicpoint系统剥离互联网地址以保持完全匿名. 放置在ethicpoint的报告受到最新加密技术的保护.


The University strictly prohibits retaliation against any member of its community for reporting or inquiring in good faith about suspected wrongful or unlawful activity or participating in an investigation or proceeding relating to such activity. The University considers such actions to be protected 活动 in which all members of its community may freely eng年龄 without worry of negative consequence as a direct result.

报告将尽可能迅速和谨慎地处理, 事实只提供给那些需要知道调查和解决问题的人. EthicsPoint and the University are committed to safeguarding the confidentiality of individuals who submit reports.


ethicpoint补充了整个大学现有的许多报告渠道. 在理想的情况下, you should report any concerns to your direct supervisor so that possible violations of policy or law can be addressed promptly and appropriately. 我们认识到, 然而, 在某些情况下,您可能不习惯以这种方式报告问题. 我们希望您通过ethicpoint匿名举报,而不是将信息保密.

如果我的主管或其他经理参与了违规行为怎么办? 他们会得到一份报告吗?

冲突筛选已纳入报告审查和调查过程. 最初, EthicsPoint ensures that any individual identified in a report will not receive system notification or have access to the report. The University performs additional conflict screening to ensure that it will not include any individual who has a conflict or is cited in the report.


The investigator maintains confidentiality throughout the investigative process to the extent that they can do so while completing their review. All reports are shared with the minimum number of individuals necessary to complete the investigation, 所有相关人员都被告知这些报告的机密性. 所有报告仅被视为指控. 在调查结束之前,我们不会采取任何行动, unless temporary measures are necessary to address immediate institutional concerns as to personal safety or the protection of property.

提示 & 最佳实践

我知道有些人有不道德的行为,但这并不影响我. 我为什么要报告呢?

任何程度的不道德行为,最终都会伤害到我们所有人. 在最坏的情况下, 不道德的行为会危及整个大学, 这会影响到我们所有人以及我们的工作. 如果你知道任何不当行为或违反道德的事件, 作为雷德兰兹社区的一员,你有责任报告.

我不确定我所看到或听到的是否违反了大学的政策, 或者涉及不道德的行为, 但我觉得这不太对劲. 我该怎么办??

提交报告. ethicpoint可以帮助您准备和归档您的报告,以便您可以正确理解. We'd rather you report a situation that turns out to be harmless than let possible unethical behavior go unchecked because you weren't sure.

如果我在提交报告后想起了一些重要的事情怎么办? 或者如果威尼斯人平台对我的报告有进一步的问题要问我怎么办?

Use your report key and password to return to the EthicsPoint system and access your original report to provide additional or updated information or to answer questions posed by the investigation team. 我们强烈建议您经常返回网站更新.




你不必匿名举报. 如果你愿意的话,报告中有一节是用来介绍你自己的.


你可以在任何一台能上网的电脑上提交一份ethicpoint报告. 你可以在家归档. 许多公共场所,包括公共图书馆,都有互联网电脑. 如果你不能使用电脑或不习惯使用电脑, 你可以拨打ethicpoint免费热线, 哪一个是24小时开放的, 一年365天,电话866-384-4277.


是的. You will be asked to provide the same information that you would provide in an Internet-based report, 面试官会把你的回答录入ethicpoint网站. 这些报告具有适用于它们的相同安全和保密措施.

如果您仍有疑问,请与主任联系. Vice President for Finance and Administration at 909-748-8180 or the Controller's Office at 909-748-8171 or email ethicsreporting@雷德兰兹.edu.